John Wooden Quotes, John Wooden inspiring quotes, John Wooden basketball quotes
Ability is a poor man's wealth.
John Wooden
Adversity is the state in which man mostly easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then.
John Wooden
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
John Wooden
Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.
John Wooden
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden
Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden
Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability.
John Wooden
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
John Wooden
The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones.
John Wooden
Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
John Wooden
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.
John Wooden
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
More basketball principles
John Wooden is a genuine monument under the American basketball Coaches. There it was Headcoach with UCLA of 1948-75 and won in its last 12 years 10 NCAA championships, under it 7 in consequence. From 1971-74 it went 88 times into consequence as a winner out of resounds. In its book "Practical decaying basketball" (1966) it describes the principles for basketball Coaches, most important from its view, which have at that time like today their validity.
Check out John Wooden's page here
Further important principles:
1. Basketball is play of the habits, and it needs time and patience, in order to develop correct habits and turn bad off. One of the largest errors of most inexperienced coaches is probably the lack of patience. The players try to convince of the fact that her in training to become careless never to be allowed, because they will exactly the same play, as they train. Constant concentration on the goal is must.
2. The coach and the players may never will content, but constantly to work to become better. Set for you perfection to the goal, although it can be never achieved.
3. It remembers that it is is so important, as much you do, but like well you make many more it. It is better to train some things correctly well when too many different, by which nothing is then controlled correctly. Zumute to your players not too much.
4. Do not take the players so much to the short line that you lose their selfinitiative. They must have but must also to the action of a fellow player to react correctly be able a certain freedom of choice, in order to keep the room layout.
5. Attempts to sketch a balanced Offense which supplies a same number of throw possibilities for each player position, but confuse the players not by the fact that you make it too complicated in the tendency to bring in your whole knowledge.
6. Do not ignore the small details, because there is the small things, which can make the difference. Perfection in some slight details is often the only difference between winners and losers.
7. You must prepare win in order to be a winner, and you cannot prepare others, without being prepared. Self-assurance gets off to be prepared and in good condition.
8. Convince your players of the fact that condition is often the crucial factor at two similarly strong and well prepared teams. However they, if they want to use their better condition, must have pressure already early in the play for the opponent, so that them make themselves paid at the end. Bases, patience and self-assurance leave you in the measure, how the fatigue increases, then ensure for the fact that your opponents become tired, before you become it.
9. Use a positive beginning around pride on your own play to develop, both defensively and offensively. Prepare you for your opponents, but never make for you concerns because of them. Leave it deinetwegen themselves to ensure.
10. Attach great importance on the play without ball in the attack and to the defense against an aggressor without ball.
11. Do not forget to emphasize your Playmaker and defense specialists with each opportunity publicly too. Basket contactors get anyway enough applause around their Ego to strengthen, but the others may not be forgotten thereby.
12. The coach should take over a criticizing, and it should be always constructional. Do not permit a player to criticize a fellow player somehow to draw up or to scoffed.
13. It insists on the fact that the basket contactors itself always with the fellow player, whose passport led to its basket, thanked you and all this to its fellow player applause donate, which implemented a straight good action.
14. Constantly analyze you and your players and let you from the result of this analysis lead.
Check out John Wooden's page here
Further important principles:
1. Basketball is play of the habits, and it needs time and patience, in order to develop correct habits and turn bad off. One of the largest errors of most inexperienced coaches is probably the lack of patience. The players try to convince of the fact that her in training to become careless never to be allowed, because they will exactly the same play, as they train. Constant concentration on the goal is must.
2. The coach and the players may never will content, but constantly to work to become better. Set for you perfection to the goal, although it can be never achieved.
3. It remembers that it is is so important, as much you do, but like well you make many more it. It is better to train some things correctly well when too many different, by which nothing is then controlled correctly. Zumute to your players not too much.
4. Do not take the players so much to the short line that you lose their selfinitiative. They must have but must also to the action of a fellow player to react correctly be able a certain freedom of choice, in order to keep the room layout.
5. Attempts to sketch a balanced Offense which supplies a same number of throw possibilities for each player position, but confuse the players not by the fact that you make it too complicated in the tendency to bring in your whole knowledge.
6. Do not ignore the small details, because there is the small things, which can make the difference. Perfection in some slight details is often the only difference between winners and losers.
7. You must prepare win in order to be a winner, and you cannot prepare others, without being prepared. Self-assurance gets off to be prepared and in good condition.
8. Convince your players of the fact that condition is often the crucial factor at two similarly strong and well prepared teams. However they, if they want to use their better condition, must have pressure already early in the play for the opponent, so that them make themselves paid at the end. Bases, patience and self-assurance leave you in the measure, how the fatigue increases, then ensure for the fact that your opponents become tired, before you become it.
9. Use a positive beginning around pride on your own play to develop, both defensively and offensively. Prepare you for your opponents, but never make for you concerns because of them. Leave it deinetwegen themselves to ensure.
10. Attach great importance on the play without ball in the attack and to the defense against an aggressor without ball.
11. Do not forget to emphasize your Playmaker and defense specialists with each opportunity publicly too. Basket contactors get anyway enough applause around their Ego to strengthen, but the others may not be forgotten thereby.
12. The coach should take over a criticizing, and it should be always constructional. Do not permit a player to criticize a fellow player somehow to draw up or to scoffed.
13. It insists on the fact that the basket contactors itself always with the fellow player, whose passport led to its basket, thanked you and all this to its fellow player applause donate, which implemented a straight good action.
14. Constantly analyze you and your players and let you from the result of this analysis lead.
John Wooden
John Wooden is a genuine monument under the American basketball Coaches. There it was Headcoach with UCLA of 1948-75 and won in its last 12 years 10 NCAA championships, under it 7 in consequence. From 1971-74 it went 88 times into consequence as a winner out of resounds. In its book "Practical decaying basketball" (1966) it describes the principles for basketball Coaches, most important from its view, which have at that time like today their validity.
Check out John Wooden's page here
The five fundamental principles:
There are many important principles, which are to be considered, if one tries to train a basketball team and to form it to perfectly functioning unit. Despite the difficulty to select from it the most important I made from five things the hitting a corner columns and the core of my success pyramid, a mythischen structure for you me help should have done to become clear me over my basketball philosophy.
1. Diligence: There is no replacement for work. The coach and its players must work hard, since all worthwhile goals can be attained only by careful planning and hard work. Perfection can be never achieved, but it must be the goal on which one purposefully worked. One can never achieve its goal, by looking for a simple way for an abbreviation or.
2. Enthusiasm: Coach and players must be basketball-inspired. If not, they should look for each other another occupation. Enthusiasm colors on everyone off, which comes with it into contact, and enthusiasts tend to drag others along. You must be with the heart with the work, if you want to be successful, since it makes you for avid to learn new and improve you.
3. Condition - mentally, morally and physically: The mental and moral condition of your players is of extreme importance, because it determines the physical condition, if the players are industrious and inspired. A player, who is not mental and morally reliable, will never be in physical Topform, because it develops destroyed instead of.
The mental and moral example set by the coach can have a strong influence on the type of player, whom it forms, and of still larger importance for the character of the young people, which begin later its Obhut abandoned and with it to lead others.
4. The bases - Fundamentals: The coach must make its players familiar carefully with the bases of the play, and obtain the ability to use these correctly in play. They must learn to react fast and correctly without hesitating and about their decisions to think have. It is a Binsenweisheit in the basketball that that, which hesitates loses. The whole basis for solid play is the fast execution of the basic techniques. A exzellente execution of the bases can possibly compensate a bad play tactics, in addition, the best system cannot adjust unsatisfactory control of the bases. The coach must go surely that he never permits itself to dedicate to a complicated play system so much time that he from the training of the bases "steal it" must.
5. Development of team spirit: The coach must use all his psychological abilities and possibilities of developing a good team spirit in its crew. Teamwork and unselfishness must be encouraged with each opportunity, and each player must be not only ready on it avid, to sacrifice its personal fame for the well-being of the team. Egoism, envy, Ichbezogenheit and mutual criticism can destroy the team spirit and ruin the potential of each team. The coach must realize itself that it and be constantly attentive, in order to prevent such developments by the fact that it already packs it at the root, before problems develop.
Check out John Wooden's page here
The five fundamental principles:
There are many important principles, which are to be considered, if one tries to train a basketball team and to form it to perfectly functioning unit. Despite the difficulty to select from it the most important I made from five things the hitting a corner columns and the core of my success pyramid, a mythischen structure for you me help should have done to become clear me over my basketball philosophy.
1. Diligence: There is no replacement for work. The coach and its players must work hard, since all worthwhile goals can be attained only by careful planning and hard work. Perfection can be never achieved, but it must be the goal on which one purposefully worked. One can never achieve its goal, by looking for a simple way for an abbreviation or.
2. Enthusiasm: Coach and players must be basketball-inspired. If not, they should look for each other another occupation. Enthusiasm colors on everyone off, which comes with it into contact, and enthusiasts tend to drag others along. You must be with the heart with the work, if you want to be successful, since it makes you for avid to learn new and improve you.
3. Condition - mentally, morally and physically: The mental and moral condition of your players is of extreme importance, because it determines the physical condition, if the players are industrious and inspired. A player, who is not mental and morally reliable, will never be in physical Topform, because it develops destroyed instead of.
The mental and moral example set by the coach can have a strong influence on the type of player, whom it forms, and of still larger importance for the character of the young people, which begin later its Obhut abandoned and with it to lead others.
4. The bases - Fundamentals: The coach must make its players familiar carefully with the bases of the play, and obtain the ability to use these correctly in play. They must learn to react fast and correctly without hesitating and about their decisions to think have. It is a Binsenweisheit in the basketball that that, which hesitates loses. The whole basis for solid play is the fast execution of the basic techniques. A exzellente execution of the bases can possibly compensate a bad play tactics, in addition, the best system cannot adjust unsatisfactory control of the bases. The coach must go surely that he never permits itself to dedicate to a complicated play system so much time that he from the training of the bases "steal it" must.
5. Development of team spirit: The coach must use all his psychological abilities and possibilities of developing a good team spirit in its crew. Teamwork and unselfishness must be encouraged with each opportunity, and each player must be not only ready on it avid, to sacrifice its personal fame for the well-being of the team. Egoism, envy, Ichbezogenheit and mutual criticism can destroy the team spirit and ruin the potential of each team. The coach must realize itself that it and be constantly attentive, in order to prevent such developments by the fact that it already packs it at the root, before problems develop.
Advantages of participation in basketball!!
Advantages of participation in basketball!!
1. Opportunity to develop your physical strength to the fullest using the most modern equipment, and under the direction of people who really care about your health.
2. Develop responsiveness to group discipline. You may not have been involved, but you must learn that sometimes that doesn't matter. In all of life, you are guilty by association. It's a great learning tool for you.
3. Develops lasting friendships.
4. Develops self-confidence.
5. Develops respect for rules and authority. Helps you overcome negative attitude when all things don't go your way. (Things don't always go your way.)
6. Opportunities for development of cooperation, dedication, sportsmanship, initiative and unselfishness.
7. Travel opportunities enable you to see other communities and get acquainted with other types of people. Everyone lives differently. All communities are different.
8. Play experience tends to make a person more friendly, interesting and human.
9. Opportunity to participate in an activity that parallels many later life experiences.
10. Draws attention to yourself which may have a business and educational value later on. Newspaper and radio exposure may help you get a job.
11. Successful participation may also open the door to such vocational values as coaching, athletic training or pro participation.
12. Ability to make the team has helped many individuals through high school and college.
13. It can also be very very fun.
1. Opportunity to develop your physical strength to the fullest using the most modern equipment, and under the direction of people who really care about your health.
2. Develop responsiveness to group discipline. You may not have been involved, but you must learn that sometimes that doesn't matter. In all of life, you are guilty by association. It's a great learning tool for you.
3. Develops lasting friendships.
4. Develops self-confidence.
5. Develops respect for rules and authority. Helps you overcome negative attitude when all things don't go your way. (Things don't always go your way.)
6. Opportunities for development of cooperation, dedication, sportsmanship, initiative and unselfishness.
7. Travel opportunities enable you to see other communities and get acquainted with other types of people. Everyone lives differently. All communities are different.
8. Play experience tends to make a person more friendly, interesting and human.
9. Opportunity to participate in an activity that parallels many later life experiences.
10. Draws attention to yourself which may have a business and educational value later on. Newspaper and radio exposure may help you get a job.
11. Successful participation may also open the door to such vocational values as coaching, athletic training or pro participation.
12. Ability to make the team has helped many individuals through high school and college.
13. It can also be very very fun.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Basketball overseas vip pack!
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So it doesn't matter what your looking for. Rather your wanting just improve and set goals. This specail is for athletes, business people and anyone who wants to be successful. Or if your looking to find scholarships and send in impressive applications that stand out from the pack. It's all right here so what are you wanting for check this out today!
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